Skepchick Quickies, 10.22
- Douglas Prasher, who discovered the glowing jellyfish protein used in research that won a Nobel Prize, now drives a courtesy van for a car dealer in Huntsville, Ala. (Thanks to Alice.)
- I can’t improve on this title: you’ve got mail … and more. Inform others you have may given them a STD via email. (Link thanks to hotphysicsboy, who is quickly becoming our regular sex link contributor.)
- “It’s not just body odor, it can fill an entire room. And recently it filled an auditorium. It’s a very heavy, dark, deep, intense smell.” Woman who has spent her life smelling like a rotten fish is diagnosed with genetic condition.
- Hey, look – it’s a stormtrooper riding a chipmunk.
woo hoo! my life finally has meaning! oh, wait, i got an e-mail coming in here- brb…
I heard Dr. Prasher interviewed on NPR the day after the Noble was announced. Apparently he can’t find a job in his field which just floors me. All I seem to hear about science in America is how we don’t have anywhere near enough scientists, how they make good money and are in high demand.
@Gabrielbrawley yeah-makes me that much more thrilled about trying to get my PhD. lemme tell ya
Dr Prasher gave the impression he wasn’t really able to relocate after his last science job, which can be really hurt you if you have certain types of training, science or no. Have two friends who got Masters in Library Science; one has never worked in the field because she wasn’t able to relocate, the other has relocated three times for three pretty good jobs. Can be really frustrating, if you can’t move.
As far as life sciences go, after working for a year or so in an agronomy lab, I saw how frustrated most of the post-docs were in trying to get something better than whatever small stipend they were getting and being unable to move on. Orac at Respectful Insolence has talked several times about funding issues for researchers too, especially in recent years.
All in all, I’m kinda glad sometimes I discovered an affinity for doing computer work…has made it much easier to get a job when I need one.
@hotphysicsboy: I can understand that type of fear. Both of my sons want to be scientists and I have encouraged that, but now I am starting to worry.
@Jason W: I was starting to wonder if I had heard that or not. Now with your independent confirmation I am going to say I did hear it.
That chipmunk made my day, nay, my lifetime. The cuteness there is helping me recover from the Rupert tragedy which still has me all broken up.
In other news, I am now panicking that I smell but no one has told me yet.
Wow! A stormtrooper riding a cheap monk?
* click *
Aww, shucks… That’s not what I expected. I should do something about this mishearing written English of mine.
@Andres: Could there be such a thing as an extravagant monk?
As far as a career in science versus a career in science/academia, I’d have to say the government corporate route is much more likely to result in stable and well paying job. My wife is an academic and those who do not have tenure generally lack job security and all that comes with stable employment.
Re the storm-trooper picture, I’m quite impressed given the general skittishness of chipmunks. Then again could there be a slight dusting of benzodiazepine on the almonds in front of the little furry fellow?
Correction: he can’t find a job in his field in Huntsville. What did he expect?