Skepchick Quickies – Weekend Edition, 8.30
- McCain named his VP: and she’s cool with creationism in schools.
- A Northhampton museum is being accused of pandering to creationists by covering up a portion of text on a Darwin exhibit.
- Crows can recognize faces. Diss them once and they won’t forget it.
- Heated car seats may equal bad news for sperm.
- This past week, we heard about nun beauty pageants, sexy priests, and now a heavy metal monk.
Re: McCain’s VP – She’s also anti-abortion.
To test whether heated car seats might be raising scrotal temperatures above this threshold, Andreas Jung at the University of Giessen in Germany and his colleagues fitted temperature sensors to the scrotums of 30 healthy men, who then sat on a heated car seat for 90 minutes.
Ain’t science glamorous?
time to get my boyfriend a car with a heated seat! Whatever is bad news for sperm is good news for LOLkate.
On the topic of heavy metal monk: AWESOME!
Sarcastic congratulations to the republican party for finding a VP candidate who is even less appealing than George W. Bush. I guess the idea is that the religious nuts are likely to vote for McCain now that Palin is in and that puny man-animal Mitt Romney is definitely out. But they would’ve voted for McCain eventually, so who cares? I joyfully await seeing Biden trash her during the vice-presidential debate.
Re: That brand of music is too intense even for me. This monk is seriously hard-core!
Re: “she’s cool with creationism in schools”
So it looks like the two candidates are well-divided then: the ultimate conservatives and liberals.
The choice for skeptics is more obvious than ever.
Monks – They’re more metal than YOU…
McCain, been in Washington a long time, old, and male.
VP: fresh, young, and female.
That’s all that matters, amiright?
On the plus side, she does have a child named Trig. She would have named the child Algebra, but people might have thoughts she was a little cuckoo.
Pffft… Not unless they cut off their ring and middle fingers with a pair of bolt cutters because they’re so metal, they don’t need them anymore! \m/
The heavy metal monk is my favorite story of the week.
Now, if we can get him and Dethklok together, THAT would be the tour to end the world with!
That article on her positions on several social issues shows Palin is an even bigger idiot than I’d thought originally. Agree this seems to make our choice this November even more clear.
McCain’s choice of Palin only reinforces my belief that the Republicans are only interested in winning the election, not in governing afterwards. I can’t imagine her being a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Just the fact that McCain selected her is a slap in the face to the electorate. It’s blatant pandering to the women voters – as if just the fact that she is female qualifies her.
There are plenty of talented people, men and women, in this country. It’s a shame that most of them won’t consider going through what we laughingly call the “electoral process.” Who can blame them? It’s two years of character assassination, begging for funds and making backroom deals with lobbyists.
For the record, I’m not all that thrilled with Obama’s experience, either. I do think Biden was a good choice to balance the ticket, though.
I fear for our country’s future.
oh no, religious people are infiltrating heavy metal. This can’t be happening.
@9:”On the plus side, she does have a child named Trig. She would have named the child Algebra, but people might have thoughts she was a little cuckoo.”
…uh, yeah, I’d let Trig pass as “vaguely scandinavian sounding…” if it weren’t for her aldest being named “Track”. Which, I guess is also vaguely scandinavian sounding, but really. Trig and Track? I know her daughters are named Willow, Piper and…..Bristol (!!!), but wouldn’t “Bio”, “Art” and “Drama” have been more in keeping with the whole high-school class theme?