Random Asides
Sperms of Endearment
As a random aside–the spam I’m getting lately is more creative. There seems to be a movie theme this week:
- Sperms of Endearment
- Good Will Humping
- You’ve Got Male
- Shaving Ryan’s Privates
This reminded me of some other movie titles for Pr0n movies:
- Star Whores
- Buffy the Vampire Layer
- Free My Willy
- A Midsummer’s Night Cream
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Poon
Personally, my all-time favorite Pr0n movie title is still “10,000 Anal Maniacs.” But that’s a band, not a movie, so doesn’t fit the theme.
I know somewhere :DataWhat: has posted a similar list, but all I could find was this hilarious article on Camel Toads. At least they aren’t poisonous when you lick them.
Please suggest some skeptically themed films in the comments!
I don’t want to be limited to mere film titles, so there. Here are some Shakespeare titles:
Tight-ass Androgynous
A Midsummer Night’s Cream
The Merchant of Penis
Julius Squeeze Her
All Swell that Ends Swell
Cornme’ol Anus
The Cumming of the Shrew
Ass: You Like It.
The Two Gentlemen all alone-a
Romeo and Julie-Wet
King John Thomas
Dick the Third (“A Whore! A whore! My kingdom for a whore!”)
Your move.
Raiders of the Lost Fark was always my favorite Indiana Jones film.
A friend suggested “Star Trek III: The Search for Cock.”
My Top-Ten Fisting Films
Stop or My Mom Will Fist
Gorillas in the Fist
Don’t Tell Mom the Babyfister’s Dead
Fisting Private Ryan
Fisting Miss Daisy
In the Heat of the Night: They call me Fister Tibbs!
Fister Act 2
The Horse Fisterer
Schindler’s Fist
Who can ever forget, Flesh Gordon?
Bug girl:
Our Animal House
On Gould We’re Fond
Battlestar Amazing: James vs. Johnathan
Oh yes.
I got a bit over excited and can’t count either:
The Sixth time someone doesn’t speak to him it becomes obvious he’s dead
Planet of our distant cousins
Skeptically themed films?
Stop Sylvia Browne
The Semen-Haunted World: Science as a Threesome In the Dark
The Really Really Bad Astronomer
Pharyngula [one of those artsy foreign pr0ns]
Curiosity Aroused [since CPB didn’t want it…]
I declare “The Semen-Haunted World” the winner :D
Also, I am NEVER going anywhere alone with Sid. He’s waaay too into fisting.
Well done, goodguyseatpie!
A Hybrid Car Named Desire?
Improbable Voyage?
A Series of Unlikely Events?
Stop! Or My Mom Will Probably Not Be Present At The Crime Scene?
The Faith-Squealers
Eternal Filth of the Dirty Mind
Follicle Shaft
Jurassic Pork
The Gaytrix
The Minority Re-Pork
Best(ial) World
Semen in Black
The XXX-Files
Mounting Climb improbe-able
Surely, you’re Poking Mr Feynman!
Big Bang!
Dick or Treatment?: Alt. Pron on Trial
Oh good, I’ll stop while I’m ahead. :-)
Journey to the Center of a Skepchick
The Stiff Dick’s Guide to the Uvula
Insatiable Bee-hind
More to come (tee hee) Wanted to get this in while I could (okay I pormise I’ll stop)
Skeptical Porn Titles:
Buggering Bug Girl
Randi Rebecca
Writer’s Double Ds
Controlling Stacey
Peeking Doll
Masala and Spice, and Everything Not Nice
A Really Wet Girl
Elyse’s Fields
Sam’s Spade
Jen and Jill Feel Up Their Hills
I Do Car2D2 – Do You? (That might have a Dr. Seuss subplot.)
Inside Amanda’s Shorts
Evelyn Wood’s Hole
Vera’s Pearl Necklace
(Some of your bios don’t give me much to work with here…)
and of course,
The Bad Ass-rimmerer Phil’s you Up
Big Dick Dawkins’ Guide to the Hornyverse
A Uni-horns Tale
Mickie Stacked and Poled
Dirty Dick Saunders goes Down Under
Ben Randyfords’ Hymen-Busters
Oh… and Deep Impact.
Sid does Nancy (and Phils Her Up)
Hymen-busters Savage Myths.
That one was a bit rubbish. I’ll stop now…
I, for one, am just sicj of all this sex on my computer!
I mean!
— I keep falling off….
Ok. wow. And so early in the morning.
I have to say I love “Surely, you’re Poking Mr Feynman!”
So wrong, but so right.
Title: “Close” Encounters 2: The SETI Data
Tagline: We got nothin’.
And starring The Naughty Astronomer!
Okay I’ll join in
Yep I went there.
It’s a good thing I don’t share an office, or that could have been bad.
I have nothing to add, but now I’ll get further posts emailed to me, hehe :)
Ok, I also declare some of Janibelle’s entries winners, since she managed to get almost every skepchick in on the act!
The Very Naughty Astronomer….that I’d pay to see.
Expelled: No Insemination Allowed
(Took me all day to warm up for that stretch)
The Ass Whisperer
The Ancester’s Tail
Why People Do Weird Things
and the sequel
How People Do Weird Things
To Wank Yoo, Thanks for Everything! Jilly Newmark
The Whoreaday
South Pork: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Fist Club
School of Cock
Robinson Carousing
Space Balls….never mind
Sweeney Todd: the Semen Donator of Flesh Street
Four Whippings and A Fisting
Sex, Lies, and The Amazing Meeting
Penn & Teller Get Cut (I know, I know, technically far too late)
Knottinghim Hump
Not even a bronze medal? This is daylight knobbery!
Why has no one mentioned the HBO series about Abe “The Tail-Splitter” Lincoln? Who “freed” the subs by “firing” into Fort Sumptuous?
(I went right down the bios page, but yours was first because it was your post)
Who doesn’t have a bio yet? Get on that, and I’ll get on them… so to speak.
Of course, “Good Guys Eat Pie” lends itself well, but that looked like the easy road to me.
Anyone who bought last year’s calendar already has.
“Camel toes” is rather crude language. Thus, I prefer the term “recessive jeans.”
The man who would be fucKing starring Shorn Cornholery and Myhole Came.
A drunken skepchick discovered in bed with a Ben Franklin statue: Reamed Rebecca Watson top of me this time. Her response :Unlike my last date, at least he stayed hard until I came as many times as I wanted to.
I’d just like to say…This thread has just made my hole weak. Ahem!
some of you need a trip to the House of Whacks!
In my film Clicker Clatter I did a riff on the “camel toads” gag. Fortunately no one over 50 (such as my parents) get it, and I’m not about to explain it, I just pretend it’s a joke that fell flat. Anyone interested in seeing the film (it’s 5 minutes, and FREE) can find it at IMDb.com, search for the title.
Logical Phallusy
House of Whacks?
I’ll just settle for Handcock.