
Sunday Morning Humor

I think this might be my favorite Edward Current video.  His completely straight delivery just kills me every time and this bit is such a prime example.  The subject is, “People’s religion should be respected.”


For you Father Ted fans out there, here’s a sketch from one of my favorite episodes.  In it, Father Dougal inadvertently causes a bishop to leave the faith.  Via Atheist Media Blog.



Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Is this show called “Father Ted”? I need to get it off of netflix. I have just laughed my self silly.

  2. Sweet, just added this to my netflix queue. I should get it in about a year.

  3. Father Ted is one of the best shows EVER. Don’t wait for netflix!

  4. People should not be made fun of for things they can’t change??

    Lol, loved the Edward Current video. I assumed his video was all a joke and sarcastic, but I was unable to tell after I googled his name.

    What’s his deal? Anyone know?

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