Comment o’ the Week!
I’m on a bus right now, leaving Boston for NYC. Again. (It happens more than you may suspect.) Happily, this time I have wi-fi for most of the four-hour journey, so I’m doing a Very Special Road Edition of CotW. By which I mean, I’m too distracted to actually choose a CotW, and besides that, pretty much all the responses to the May Challenge would pretty much take the cake anyway.
Ah, I couldn’t do that to you all. I’ll throw a dart at one of the many funny gems among the hundreds of comments we received this week:
JRice // May 20, 2008 at 8:22 am
I’m invoking Godwin’s law on the first person that mentions lutefisk.
Congrats, JRice! You win . . . um, well, I was going to give you a photo of the amazingly beautiful summer sky that is currently blowing my mind, but when I tried to take a photo with my iSight it came out blurry and blocked by some guy’s ass, and all the passengers around me thought I was a terrorist or nuts or a perv (two out of three, not bad). So instead I suppose you win the (rather appropriate) song that I’m currently listening to as I hurtle down the road, with apologies once more to the IS. After the jump.
I took a plane, I took a train…
(Ah who cares, you always end up in the city.)
I said to Carl look up for once, see just how the sun sets in the sky.
I said to John, do you think the girls here ever wonder how they got so pretty?
Well, I do.
Look out upon the Myriad Harbourrrrrr….
Look out upon the Myriad Harbourrrrrr….
My second-favourite song off that album. ;)
(#1 being “All the Old Showstoppers”.)
It’s maybe one of my favorite songs ever for some reason. I even admit to playing it on the gee-tar at home and throwing in my own backup chorus.
Near White Plains now, and on to White Stripes. Sigh. They really need to see about getting these two cities closer together, or at least improving wi-fi to the point where I can comfortably watch Hulu the whole way down.
I really liked Challengers too.
Congrats, JRice! You win . . . um, well, I was going to give you a photo of the amazingly beautiful summer sky that is currently blowing my mind, but when I tried to take a photo with my iSight it came out blurry and blocked by some guy’s ass, and all the passengers around me thought I was a terrorist or nuts or a perv (two out of three, not bad).
Do tell. Was it a good ass? These things matter!
Speaking of visiting cities that require lots of traveling to reach, I believe you promised me a shout-out re. Philadelphia on the weekend of the 13th … ;)