Skepchick Quickies 4.11
- In shift to digital imaging, more repeat mammograms– In a way, this is good because it means that radiologists are being careful while they’re adjusting to a new imaging technique. “The rush to digital is occurring in part because for certain women — younger ones and others with dense breast tissue — it is better than film at finding tumors.”
- Botulinum in the brain after Botox injections?– A new study finds that the toxin can be transported out of muscle cells along microtubles.
- Explaining (away) women geeks– I think Zuska’s list is dead on.
- Must people die before DSHEA is repealed?– In reaction to the FDA reporting on dietary supplements which were found to contain 200 times the amount of selenium disclosed on the label.
- Illinois State Rep. Monique Davis apologizes to Rob Sherman– Sherman credits bloggers with helping to get the story out to the media.
Hey that’s great news on Botulinum. Finally the Botox crowd will have something below their skullcap.
Davis is only apologizing to save face, not because she changed her mind or didn’t really believe what she said. I hate when politicians apologize for what they truly believe. I’d rather have a frank asshole than a pandering weasel.
Completely agree dd.
I don’t really agree. She’s not really apologizing for what she believes. She’s apologizing for the outburst, which is completely understandable (that she’s apologizing, not that it happened). I don’t expect elected representatives to hold the same beliefs I do, and I don’t expect them to check their beliefs at the door. I do expect them to be respectful of those that don’t share their beliefs, and that is what Davis failed to do in this situation. That is worth an apology.
JSug, that’s what I mean. Her apology is meaningless to me because she is still a bigot. So what that she apologized for yelling. I don’t care that she yelled. I care that her views are abhorrent.
I agree with DD. I even e-mailed the woman myself, even though I am not an Illinois resident.
Of course, according to the homeopaths, all you have to do for Clostridium Botulinum is take the Chinese herbs Zi Su Ye and Gan Cao. Problem solved!
Holy Crap, did anyone else read the Zuska article comments?