Skepchick Quickies, 3.12
- Ex-Islamist Start Moderate Thinktank – “Two former Islamists are to launch a Muslim thinktank aimed at improving relations with the west by challenging extremist ideologies.”
- Preparing to Debunk Expelled – Stranger Fruit notes the launch of a new site to refute the claims of the forthcoming ID “documentary.”
- Penn, Dancing with the Stars – Neil Gaiman reports an email about Penn Jillette’s upcoming turn dancing on national television. And there are T-shirts to commemorate the event!
- Why We Fantasize – Because I know you all love the sexy science stories around here.
On the Skepchick calendar – the monthy meeting of Freethought Fort Wayne. Check out the details over on the sidebar.
Ex-Islamist Start Moderate Thinktank – something to keep an eye on in the future! One small step in the right direction?
"On the Skepchick calendar – the monthy meeting of Freethought Fort Wayne"
Are they all going to be partially clothed too?
Sid – Okay, so I didn't think when I worded that :) I can't speak for Fort Wayne, but I'm guessing no.
The Penn link is not working. Is it just me?
Here's Neil's blog on Penn, slightly broken link in the original post.
Wow, I'm missing things left and right today. Thanks for the correction, cubiksrube. I fixed it :)
I heart Neil Gaiman.
(That was all.)