
Arthur C. Clarke is dead

CNN reported it about 20 minutes ago. RIP.

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca is a writer, speaker, YouTube personality, and unrepentant science nerd. In addition to founding and continuing to run Skepchick, she hosts Quiz-o-Tron, a monthly science-themed quiz show and podcast that pits comedians against nerds. There is an asteroid named in her honor. Twitter @rebeccawatson Mastodon Instagram @actuallyrebeccawatson TikTok @actuallyrebeccawatson YouTube @rebeccawatson BlueSky

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  1. He died tomorrow! Now that’s sci-fi!

    …okay it’s Wednesday now in Sri Lanka.

    A man I admire greatly. I’m going home now and will read one of his stories to my kids.

  2. :( this is like how I felt when Carl Sagan died…and Steve Gould… why can’t more Fred Phelps guys kick the bucket instead? No…that’s vindictive…but I can’t keep it out of the back of my mind. It’s not like they do anything terribly interesting or creative. :( Blah…

  3. Everybody dies. Dobson is sad because all the old timer fundies are dying and no-one is around to take their place:

    James Dobson told a group of Christian broadcasters Tuesday night that the passing of Jerry Falwell, the Rev. D. James Kennedy and Ruth Bell Graham represent the end of an era.
    The radio talk show host noted that others like Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson and Chuck Swindoll will also soon pass from the scene, and questioned the impact on the conservative Christian church.

    Fortunately there are lots of people to pick up Clarke’s torch!

  4. I just heard the news on Twitter from A Real Girl and the Bad Astronomer almost simultaneously. Sad, but he leaves a lot of great thoughts behind.

  5. Whoa.

    First subject of discussion up for grabs tonight at Vancouver Skeptics in the Pub.

    Gygax, Clarke… do geek-world celebs die in threes?

  6. Close the podbay doors Hal. Arthur C. Clarke has left the monolith.

  7. I have the same Birthday as Clarke.

    I’ve had The Songs of Distant Earth sitting on my shelf waiting to be read for many years. Maybe it is about time I brushed off the dust and got to it.

  8. “why can’t more Fred Phelps guys kick the bucket instead?”

    ‘Cause I picked them in my dead pool.

    It’s a very sad day.

  9. Like everyone this makes me very sad. Unless i’m forgetting someone this is the last of the authors I truly looked up to when I was younger to pass away.

    To pull from Pink Floyd, we’ve traded our heroes for ghosts.

  10. This news hit me like a kick to the guts. Thankfully Clarke is leaving a stunning legacy.

    I tell you, the first space elevator better be named after him, or I will be pissed.

  11. I make a habit of always reading exactly four books at once, and I finished one today so I’ll make sure and start one of his tomorrow, in his honor.

  12. And let us not forget Clarke’s immortal legacy:

    Law 3: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    Corollary: anything you don’t understand is magic.

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