
Skepchick Quickies, 2.6


Jen is a writer and web designer/developer in Columbus, Ohio. She spends too much time on Twitter at @antiheroine.

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  1. I've been skeptical of hand sanitizers ever since one experiment in my college microbio class. We used several common anti-bacterial products on a gel and then saw if a common skin bacteria (can't remember which one) would have its growth inhibited by the products. The bacteria took one look at the hand gel, laughed, and ate it for breakfast.

    That was a low-alcohol content hand sanitizer, not the high-alcohol type used in hospitals, though. It still gave me a lot of evil glee to explain the experiment to germophobes who used the low-alcohol kind in front of me.

  2. Awesome Stories. I Agree with most of the last story but I don't think I would mind sleeping with some of the skeptical leaders.

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