Skepchick Quickies 2.26
- Anglican priest translates Bible into Manga form (thanks Carrie!).
- How to cure hiccups: remind yourself you’re not a fish. My fiancé told me this yesterday when I was hiccuping. It didn’t work.
- The number of atheists in America is growing! Here’s what Pharyngula and the Friendly Atheist have to say about this finding.
- You’ve heard of physiognomy. Well, now there’s personology! Being the bone geek that I am, I’m disgruntled by this.
- I greatly enjoyed this Pandagon post on bodily autonomy inspired by this xkcd strip.
From the Personology thing: "The Roman-shaped nose is a bossy nose. It likes to be in charge. They are also very aware of costs. How much it costs. 'Is it worth it? Can I get it for less?'
um…JDL? Them's fighting words.
Or ADL…whichever it is.