- Feministing posts an interesting video featuring Malaysian women talking about wearing hijab.
- Bowling alone leads directly to church. Amanda at Pandagon discusses the relationship between loneliness and religiosity.
- Charles Barkley calls out “fake Christians.”  And of course the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission says Barkley’s remarks are hateful.
- A strip titled “How It Works” at xkcd wins this skepchick’s love.
- Ammonium dichromate plus heat equals really cool volcanic-appearing reaction. Just don’t try this at home kids, it creates carcinogens.
Just don't read the forum thread on that xkcd comic… it devolved into people whining "but girls EVOLVED to be bad at math! Men used to hunt, so they evolved problem solving skills, while the women were just raising passels of kids – which, as everyone knows, is a completely problem-free task! And the math skills gene is found on the Y chromosome anyway, so there's no chance that daughters could inherit their dad's abilities! See, DARWIN PROVES IT!!!1!1! And just because I think men are inherently better than women doesn't mean I'm sexist!"
Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating, but I swear, that's what I felt like I was reading.
Like the original poster says, I'm curious to know if these are actresses. The
Dang! Sorry, hit Submit too fast.
I was intrigued by the comment of one of the women, "It's something that I chose to accept about my religion." I can respect that, since it sounds like she actually thought about it a little — granted, she says in the next clip that it was mandatory so you never thought about it, but several of that gal's comments made me think this was something she had chosen for herself with at least some degree of consciousness. Again … I'd like to know if it was scripted, because that would pretty seriously detract from her comments.
I also was tickled by the chain-smoking convert, but I had to wonder about her "instant need to cover herself up" — fig leaf, anyone?
xkcd always gets it right. Randall should get some sort of award for his efforts in revealing the plight of girl geeks.
FSM bless Charles Barkley!
I don't live in the US, I have no idea who he is (apart from the blurb about him being an analyst former basketballer), but damn, he's good.
"Fake Christian" is a good meme. I'm going to drop that in conversation.