Skepchick Quickies, 2.13
- Vaccine-Free Schools – Amanada brought up vaccinations before, and here’s another piece on vaccinations in schools, including the religious and philosophical reasons you can opt out. Quoted: “Given the increasing number of states allowing philosophical exemptions to vaccines, at some point we are going to be forced to decide whether it is our inalienable right to catch and transmit potentially fatal infections.”
- Exorcism Undergoes a Revival Across Europe – “Citing modern ills, hundreds of priests have trained to expel the devil.”
- Scientology Protests Start Across Australia – I know there were also protests in other areas – if someone knows a particularly good article elsewhere, feel free to leave it in the comments.
- Why Housewives Need Science – A clip from a 50’s educational film that explains to girls why they’ll need science as married women – to cook, of course!
One who goes by the name of Deathboy participated in the Anonymous protest in London. His post is full of really cool pictures and he links to the painfully dull media coverage of it.
Sorry, I can't figure out how to hyperlink so here's the address:
Well, what'd ya know… it linked it for me.
I kept up with Scientology pretest news for a day or two after the protests (before classwork forced me to do abandon it). Anyway, I have a little list of articles sorted by location of protest. Enjoy!…
Some Canadian coverage of the Anonymous protest:
I had to laugh at the video clip — what if she hasn't met the right *woman* yet?!
This was the story from "The Scotsman":…
We actually had a class at my university called "Chemistry in the Kitchen". It was designed for non-science majors' science requirement. I always wanted to take it for kicks and giggles, but I didn't have time – I was too busy with the non-housewifey kind of chemistry!
Jen, I think your link is supposed to read "Scientology protests Start Across Australia".
exarch – Thanks for the proofreading! It's been a tiring week and I'm not as sharp as I should be :)