
Divining for a Date 2008, February challenge

This month marks the start of our 2008 psychic contest, Divining for a Date. Every month Jill or I will be posting a new psychic challenge for our readers. You guys will post your answers/predictions right here on the blog. Then, at the end of every month, we will name one reader “The Skepchick Psychic of the Month” for which you will receive a certificate. At the end of the year, we will round up each monthly winner and have a psychic face-off for the “2008 Skepchick Psychic of the Year” title!

Now, you might think being a certified psychic for a year is awesome enough, but, wait! There’s more!

Our psychic-est reader wins a date with the Skepchick or SkepSam of his/her choice, paid for by!

Does life get any better?

challenge 1

Many psychics ask their victims clients to bring a personal item to a reading. This item sends off vibrations that help the psychic get in touch with the vibrations of the person or spirit they are trying to get in touch with.

This month’s challenge has a romantic touch. The questions are all regarding the owner of the pendant below. This pendant was bought as a Valentine’s Day gift several years ago. There are 14 questions (as in Feb 14, get it?). And there is a bonus reading at the end. Please base your answers on the person who currently owns this necklace. Some of the answers may change throughout the month, so, with the exception of the bonus question, please use your abilities to divine what the correct answer would have been on Friday, February 1, 2008. Given that the owner touched the pendant immediately prior to the photograph being taken, and the questions were asked in the same time period, the vibrations from the photo should lead you to the proper answers. Jill, Rebecca and I all have a copy of the questions and answers from the pendant owner.

Your readings must be completed by Feb 29, 2008.

The Pendant:

(Click the picture to see it larger and get maximum vibes.)

The Questions:

1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner?
2. Where does this person live?
3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8?
4. What is the significance of the number 2?
5. Considers what animal significant?
6. Why is that animal significant?
7. Has how many living parents?
8. Traveled where on last vacation?
9. Has a recurring dream about what?
10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate?
11. When did this person last go on a date?
12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now?
13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank?
14. Has a crush on what TV character?

Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February.

Good luck!!

(ETA “250 words or less” in the bonus question)


Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. 1) J

    2) Saskatchewan

    3) This person just smoked 1/8 of marijuana.

    4) It's the smallest positive prime integer.

    5) Koalas

    6) Because koalas are always significant.

    7) 3

    8) Galapagos

    9) Shoes

    10) Her cousin works in Hillary's campaign.

    11) Twelve days ago.

    12) Still in the box.

    13) Vodka tonic

    14) The guy in the Verizon commercials.

    Bonus: Sadly, global warming will not have an effect on her bits and pieces.

  2. 1. L

    2. Orlando, FL

    3. Her 1st grade teacher spontaneously combusted during a spelling quiz at precisely 1:08 PM.

    4. The ensuing blaze took 2 fire departments to extinguish.

    5. Dalmations.

    6. Because the dalmation from the second fire department was so friendly, dignified and professional.

    7. 3

    8. Beijing.

    9. Dalmations searching the Forbidden City for a wonderful, unspecified gift.

    10. Hearing McCain's voice makes her neck veins stand out.

    11. Nov. 12, 1987.

    12. Far enough from the bed so she has to get up to turn off the alarm.

    13. Rum with ginger, on a dare. Boy, is she sorry.

    14. Alistair Cook.

    Bonus Romance Reading: Avoid blind dates who arrive dressed in primary colors. A wagging tail will lift your heart.

  3. 1) The wearer's middle name begins with a vowel… I… I think I hear an "E" sound.

    2) Somewhere in North America… I see water… a river… the wearer lives near a river.

    3) 1 and 8 combine to give the age of someone important in the wearer's life.

    4) 2 is the number of kidneys the wearer has — but at some point in the future the wearer will have to decide whether to donate one to a friend or relative in need of a transplant.

    5) A bird…

    6) For the wearer, this bird may be an omen of good or evil to come.

    7) 2

    8) To the mountains… skiing.

    9) Has a recurring dream about someone who has left this life.

    10) The wearer is a distant relative of a presidential candidate.

    11) Too long ago.

    12) I see a desk… the clock is in an office.

    13) A fruity cocktail.

    14) I see a man… in his 30s or 40s… wearing surgical scrubs… the pendant owner has a crush on a TV doctor.

    The month of Februrary will be a time of uncertainty and transition in the wearer's love life. The possible futures are full of potential disappointments and romantic fiascos… the wearer must remain true to her own heart to avoid them.

  4. 1. S

    2. Just south of Portland, OR.

    3. The person is the first of 8 children in the family

    4. Recognizes the elegance of biological symmetry! Also has 2 kids, 2pets, 2 cars, and on Feb 2nd at 2:00, turns 22

    5. Elephants

    6. Because they are of significant mass! Also an ex loved them.

    7. 1

    8. Vegas!

    9. the non-living parent

    10. Was once introduced to Bill Clinton

    11. 12/31/07

    12. In pieces in the garbage

    13. Beer

    14. Sara Sidle

    Bonus: You will meet someone whose name begins with J. You will go on two dates before declaring it a lost cause, and then you will end up with her sister. (I think the pendant owner's male)

  5. I'm kind of drunk, which I think enhances my ESPiality. I predict that I will either win, or possibly that I will lose. I deserve a hell of a date either way.

    1) R

    2) Eastern United States

    3) The wearer's birthday is January 8th.

    4) The number 2 is the number of children the wearer has.

    5) Considers the rabbit significant.

    6) Brings good luck, and likes to have sex a lot.

    7) One.

    8) Somewhere in Mexico

    9) Has a recurring dream in which one of her/his children is driving a car.

    10) A parent or parent's sibling went to the same college at the same time as one of the candidates.

    11) 6 years ago (counting pre-marriage dates… last week counting dates with spouse)

    12) Returned it to the store.

    13) Gin & tonic

    14) Grissom (sp?) from CSI

    The person will have sex with their spouse about 4 times this month. It's not enough to satisfy him/her, but it'll have to do. It will be a busy month, lots going on for the both of them, but she/he plans on discussing things with the spouse. Not a confrontation or anything, just a "state of the marriage" to make sure there's no underlying issues to work out.

  6. 1. T

    2. Topeka, KS

    3. 1 is the number of years her longest relatsionship lasted; 8 is the number of longer relationships the owner has had so far.

    4. 2 is the number of siblings.

    5./6. The moose is a significant animal because it reminds the person of a vacation in Canada where a moose defended her against a bear.

    7. 3 living parents

    8. Last vacation was to Florida to see the Epcom Center

    9. Recurring dream about dying and finding out John Edwards is for real

    10. Once ate in the same establishment as Barack Obama, at the next table in fact

    11. January 19th, 2008

    12. The clock is on the mantlepiece in her mother's living room

    13. Highball

    14. Monk

    February will be full of opportunities for your love life, you need only take them. Be warned, though, that some of these opportunities are one-way streets to disappointment, so don't rush into things. A person close to you secretly admires you, but if asked directly would deny it. Take it slowly, be yourself, and it will turn out fine. This person has longed for you for quite some time now, so you should make a move in order not to have him lose interest. Also, try working on your flaws and become a better person – that will only enhance his attraction to you. Finally, around the middle of the month I see an event of sorts, like a party or a funeral. You will meet someone there, but the future is murky after a certain point. It is possible this is the one, but only after a rocky start and a shaky road down the cliffside. You will need perseverance. And whatever you do: use a condom.

  7. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? "Q"

    2. Where does this person live? Deluth, Minn.

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8? It's how old her pet ferret is currently.

    4. What is the significance of the number 2? It's how many toes the ferret has on its left front paw.

    5. Considers what animal significant? Ferret, obviously.

    6. Why is that animal significant? Ferrets are fuckin' fantasticly fabulous. No more need be said.

    7. Has how many living parents? Seven. They were a large family.

    8. Traveled where on last vacation? The outskirts of Deluth, MInn.

    9. Has a recurring dream about what? Cheddar cheese.

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate? Through an uncomfortable stalking incident involving Ron Paul.

    11. When did this person last go on a date? Seven months ago…with Ron Paul…under false pretenses.

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now? In Ron Paul's house.

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank? A martini with a twist of Russet potato.

    14. Has a crush on what TV character? Handy Smurf.

    Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February. I only have two words for that little situation. Stay away from Ron Paul.

  8. The web affects my ability to read vibrations, but I will do my best.

    1) J

    2) I'm seeing trees and snow. So I will say New England area.

    3) I'm thinking that they could be a date or part of a date, or possibly a date and a time.

    4) She was in a relationship, thus the number 2.

    5) Dog

    6) I'm sensing that she either owned a dog,or had a connection with someone who owned a dog.

    7) It's not clear, but I will say one. Or at least one that is favored.

    8) Florida

    9) Birds and Monkeys

    10) She shares all or part of Barack Obama's ethnic background.

    11) 11/15/07.

    12) The clock is in her bedroom. It's a nice clock.

    13) Beer

    14) House MD

    Some times it can be hard of a knowledgeable woman to find a date. They may feel that they have to act dumb in order to attract a man. Don't put on a false face. Be your true self because someone out there is looking for you.

  9. 1. The middle initial of The Pendant Owner is clearly 'P'. Silly questions!

    2. I'm receiving that this person lives somewhere on a land-mass on a planet that starts wth E. Does E mean anything to you? I don't think it's Excellon-8, it feels more like an 'Er' sound – earn – earl – ergonomics – EARTH! , yes, this person lives on a landmass on a planet called Earth!

    3. 1 and 8 put together are 18, which is the day on which I was born, which of course is a very important date because I wouldn't be able to do the person's psychic reading if I hadn't been born!

    4. 2 is 1+1. We all know 1 is the loneliest number, therefore 1+1 must be twice as lonely!

    5. Clearly, the person considers the animal Homo sapiens sapiens to be important, otherwise they wouldn't still have this charm.

    6. Because it's hard to have a skeptical conversation with a parrot. By definition, they just parrot back whatever they're told!

    7. I'm getting a number between 0 and 10 for the number of living parents. This is confusing. Does the person have step-parents or foster-parents involved? Nietzsche indicated that God is Dead, so it can't be the Heavenly Father. Of course, unless this person is currently viewing their parents, Quantum Mechanics tells us that the parents will be in a super-position of states between living and dead. (Also known as currently watching television.) At any moment in time an observation could change this number, so I'm going to have to go with a median value of 2 for individuals of this person's probable age.

    8. I'm getting a strong Florida vibe, but I think that's because of all of the other SkepChicks who have recently returned from there. Based on the pendant's aura, however, I'm going to say that this person definitely stayed on Earth and did NOT go off-world. (I suppose that could mean that Florida is out of the question.)

    9. This person has a dream that ONE DAY THIS NATION WILL RISE UP AND LIVE OUT THE TRUE MEANING OF ITS CREED. Ooops. Started channeling Martin Luther King there. What was the question again?

    10. This person was born when a white man was president of the United States. That president had a lot of power and influence over how this person grew up. This is strange, I'm also seeing a cuban cigar involved. Did this person perhaps meet Castro at one point?

    11. On the date of this person last went to a computer, otherwise they wouldn't be reading this.. um.. reading. (OK, that's cheating. I'm getting that this person is currently involved in a serious relationship or is deeply smitten by unrequited love, ergo, the person in question hasn't actually gone on a date in years.)

    12. The clock is currently melting over the branch of a tree. I'm seeing the letter D.. Da-da-damaskus? database? dakron? Dali! Yes, Dali! Oh wait, I switched channels again. What was the question? This room has such a psychic charge that it is very difficult to keep focused on one person for some reason.

    13. The last alcoholic beverage this person drank was… wait. Is this a trick question? I'm seeing a Zima and that just can't be right!

    14. Clearly has a crush on Westley Crush-er. They won't admit it, but it's clearly true or my name isn't Madam Zoria. (Shhh.. don't look at my profile! *waves hand* This is not the profile you are looking for. You may move along now.)

    Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February.

    I predict that many people will fall in love during the month of February. I also predict that many people will become briefly infatuated around — I'm getting the 14th, does that mean anything to you? I'm also seeing much sadness and woe on the 16th.

    Unfortunately, the Month of February is an inanimate concept, therefore it will not fall in love or even fall out.

    Oh.. you wanted a prediction about a certain person?? You should have said so! I can't do a cold reading if you're not very specific in your questions. I can't be held accountable for the results if I get bad questions to begin the session.

  10. Heck, it's gotta be worth a shot, I bet I'm as psychic (and certifiable) as anyone here!

    1. J.

    2. I'm getting a lot of green, grass and trees and woodlands, somewhere in the surrounding area. It's not urban, but not miles away from anywhere. Quite an old house, at the end of quite a long drive. There are mountains somewhere in view from the house. I'm going to say midwestern USA.

    3. The person has been with their current partner for eight years (recently celebrated an anniversary?) and they have one child together.

    4. The child is two years old.

    5. Either a wolf, or some sort of big cat.

    6. Some important childhood experience in which this animal was involved, the effects and emotions of which have lingered with them since then.

    7. None.

    8. Somewhere with snow, possibly in Europe. Scandinavia?

    9. Running after a car that's just pulling away, knowing it's important that they stop it for some reason, that they can't let whoever or whatever is in the car go just yet, but being unable to attract the driver's attention as it picks up speed and draws away from them.

    10. Has some past connection with John McCain, I think from work, so possibly from McCain's earlier political days. Maybe this person helped his campaign when he was running for Congress.

    11. This person's been attached to one partner for around eight years – they still go out together, but how long it's been since you'd call it 'dating' is an open question.

    12. On top of something wooden, but not a shelf, more like a cabinet or chest of some sort. And it's running a little fast.

    13. Beer, from a can, straight out of the fridge.

    14. Someone from the show Bones. Could be Temperance Brennan.

    Bonus: This person's partner is already making plans for some sort of Valentine's Day treat, and will have some new and unexpected ideas and suggestions for the two of them in the latter half of the month. These could be fruitful if you choose to explore them, even if it seems odd at first that your partner is bringing them up when they do.

    As a side note, I've come up with all this the same way I would if I were writing a story, and trying to find out more about a fictional character. I throw a question out there, into the creative fora of my brain, and wait for an answer to bounce back, in one form or another (verbal, visual, etc). It sometimes feels like the kind of thing which could conceivably be mistaken for "psychic" ability, or getting messages from "the other side", if you really want to believe that, and if you aren't particularly swayed when the stuff you've made up has minimal connection to reality.

  11. darn HTML markup… #11 was:

    On the date of [insert today's date] this person last went to a computer, otherwise they wouldn’t be reading this.. um.. reading. (OK, that’s cheating. I’m getting that this person is currently involved in a serious relationship or is deeply smitten by unrequited love, ergo, the person in question hasn’t actually gone on a date in years.)

  12. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner?

    I should perform a statistical analysis, but I am lazy. So the answer is K.

    2. Where does this person live?

    On Earth. I would guess in the US.

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8?

    Well, they are really significant. 1 is the smallest prime on the 0th power. 8 is on the 3rd. By the way a byte is 8 of ones and zeros.

    4. What is the significance of the number 2?

    The first prime.

    5. Considers what animal significant?

    Dust-mites are of high significance in beds.

    6. Why is that animal significant?

    One can hardly get rid of them. Vacuum cleaner sucks.

    7. Has how many living parents?

    Well, I think not more than 3. (not kidding; some research have been aimed to use third party mitochondrial DNA to avoid genetic disease from the mother.) I would guess 2.

    8. Traveled where on last vacation?

    Let’s say to Europe. (never ever try to force a psychic in detailed answers)

    9. Has a recurring dream about what?

    About falling and not hitting the ground – the Dent method of fling surely works. Might have sexually arousal dreams as well.

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate?

    Connected to a politician. I would definitely deny that…

    11. When did this person last go on a date?

    I would say 1 month. But the and the bonus suggests more. Let’s say 4 months ago.

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now?

    In a room, which is in a house. No, just kidding. The clock is in a paper box, so basically the clock is in wooden case.

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank?

    Liquid bread. The real bread and butter of life.

    14. Has a crush on what TV character?

    Oh, come on. Having a crush on TV character is so lame. Besides I do not know any American TV characters. I demand alleviation for not native English speaker Europeans, or rather alleviation for not being a TV addict …

    Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February.

    No. I just deny this request. You are way to focused on your love-life. But you can draw the consequences of having crush on a TV character on your own.

  13. 1. E.

    2. Los Angeles, CA

    3. The person's month and day of birth (January 8)

    4. Two children.

    5. Raccoons.

    6. Likes the trickster symbolism from American Indian stories.

    7. 2.

    8. Ireland.

    9. Wolves.

    10. Cousin.

    11. 2004.

    12. eBay.

    13. Beer.

    14. Nathan from Heroes.

    Bonus: Your lover will surprise you on Valentine's day with a "perfect day" package, including a trip to a spa, shopping spree, dinner and a movie, and then, er, the most intimate of intimate gatherings.

  14. Now I just wanted to say that I KNOW that the pendant has had other owners before this one, so if I get any of the answers wrong it's because the vibrational energies from the other owners come through the pendant as well, which make it that much harder for me to sort through them.

    1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? A-Z

    2. Where does this person live? EARTH

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8? THE PERSON WAS 18 WHEN THEY WERE ALLOWED TO SMOKE BY LAW.

    4. What is the significance of the number 2? IT'S BETWEEN 1 AND 8

    5. Considers what animal significant? BIGFOOT

    6. Why is that animal significant? ITS BIG

    7. Has how many living parents? AT SOME POINT IN TIME HAS HAD 2 LIVING PARENTS

    8. Traveled where on last vacation? SOMEWHERE ON EARTH

    9. Has a recurring dream about what? BIGFOOT

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate? HAS HEARD ABOUT THE US PRESIDENTIAL RACE.

    11. When did this person last go on a date? BEFORE TODAY

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now? WHERE THE PERSON PUT IT.

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank? IT WAS AN BEVERAGE WICH CONTAINED ALCOHOL.

    14. Has a crush on what TV character? A CUTE, SEXY ONE.


  15. PS: It kinda looks like no one is wearing the pendant. It looks like it could be resting on a table cloth. In that case my answers above still apply to anyone who previously/currently owned the pendant, the tablecloth and all the little chinese/mexicans involved in the making of the pendant or the table cloth. And their immediate families of course. Oh, and also their pets, their nannies, babysitters, hairdressers, lovers, spouses. Basically anyone ever connected with them.

  16. 1. That symbol that was once Prince

    2. Wait, it's coming to me – I see a small shack, there are aardvarks everywhere and a large picture of a wiener dog in the background

    3. 1 preceeds 2, 8 follows 7, 2+7 = 9 which comes before 10 which is the number of fingers & thumbs on my hands. I use my hands to type this message, therefore the numbers 1 and 8 predicted this challenge.

    4. It's what it takes to tango

    5. The rhino

    6. It has a horn, signifying the blaring of psychic nonsense

    7. 3

    8. Disney World

    9. Ferrets arguing over which is better, white bread or dard

    10. Once used the same restroom used by Barack Obama's campaign manager

    11. June 14, 1991

    12. On a car in the parking lot at Johnson Space Center in Florida

    13. A rum & cola, with a twist of lime

    14. Alf

    Your love life is doomed, give it up and join a monestary.

  17. I"m not gonna share my predictions. The vibrations of my brain jellies are too awful to inflict upon you.

    However, I have a question regarding the contest rules. Is there an alternate prize for married readers who'd probably lose a limb if their spouses learned that they were competing to win a date from the Internet?

  18. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? B, no? I said D.

    2. Where does this person live?

    I see a house, or apartment in a house. A room.

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8?

    you received this when you were 18.

    4. What is the significance of the number 2?

    You received this when you were 28.

    5. Considers what animal significant?

    Heart, heart of a lion. A lion.

    6. Why is that animal significant?

    Power, love, frugality…the strengths of a lion.

    7. Has how many living parents?


    8. Traveled where on last vacation?

    far away, to the east. to the east coast of a continent. This was a satisfying vacation, very useful to your growth as a human.

    9. Has a recurring dream about what?

    loss of a loved one, to be loved and not lost. To love is the way of the future. Embrace it.

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate?

    you're reaching to the right, I get this feeling, to the right. to the right. You know which candidate is right. You know it!

    11. When did this person last go on a date?

    recently, i see something unpleasant, but you are trying to move on.

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now?

    at home. How much time is left?

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank?

    beer or wine. You should probably drink a little less, bad for the liver.

    14. Has a crush on what TV character?

    Bart Simpson? Or the guy from Quantum Leap? Kirk Cameron. Kirk Cameron. I see it now.

    Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February.

    Make sure you walk around a lot, you'll discover that eating well will make you feel better and you'll be able to attract men when you feel better. Valentines day is not far off. A special someone who's been eying you will finally make a move. Don't run, hide! This man is no good. He will beat you with a stick larger than his thumb June 21 and you will blame yourself. Avoid this an watch "A Walk To Remember" with ben and jerry on Valentines.

  19. 1.E

    2.Mid West

    3.birthday met sig other




    8.somewhere warm


    10.once worked with McCain

    11.2 years ago trash

    14. house

    Things have been rough. You have found or will find love soon, that will be lasting, but this will be your choice. Oddly regular romantic love will follow this choice of giving love that you have made. Since you have opened yourself up to all kinds of love, your heart will be more open to love from a man. The more love you give to others, human and animal, the more love will come to you. This month is big. Prepare for love, from your family your friends and from a new man that will become more important in your life as time goes on. A long term relationship starts this month.

  20. Little Bald Bastard said,

    However, I have a question regarding the contest rules. Is there an alternate prize for married readers who’d probably lose a limb if their spouses learned that they were competing to win a date from the Internet?

    Well, you know you could bring your wife with you. Also, you could explain to her that its more of a chance to hang out and get a free dinner with a pretty kick-ass, free-thinking blog contributor… as opposed to telling her you are competing for the chance to get to second base with Rebecca.

  21. 1. H

    2. In a Red Brick house (the color of Valentine).

    3. When 1 year old she could already count to 8.

    4. 2 = 1 + 1 = the true meaning of valentines day

    5. The drummer from The Muppet Show

    6. Sometimes what you see is not all there is.

    7. Seven (including grandparents and godparent)

    8. 500 miles (because partners will do that AND then walk back). Someone even wrote a song!!!

    9. Flying

    10. She drives the bus of the people who hold the signs.

    11. Saturday night.

    12. It was a present for an overseas friend (unfortunately destroyed by TSA at Miami Airport)

    13. Bloody Mary

    14. Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 (OK…missed it by that much)

  22. 1.L


    3. Ages of children.

    4. Number of children.

    5. Turkey

    6. Almost beat out the eagle for national bird.

    7. Two, obviously they would be talking to me otherwise.

    8. Orlando.

    9. Eagles.

    10. She isn't.

    11. Aroudn a week prior to the picture.

    12. Kitchen.

    13. Cosmo.

    14. James Ford/Tom Sawyer

  23. E


    She was Married on August First

    It is the number of grand children she has

    The Cat

    The cat is significant because it represents her femininity but also her independence.


    Western Europe


    She works on the Mitt Romney campaign

    31 years ago


    1992 Chianti

    Batman (Adam Wes

  24. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? Of the true name – the name of the soul: §

    2. Where does this person live? Where is not important, only how. The subject must remember this to find happiness

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8? Numbers are not significant, only what they represent. Cherish these themes which occur in your life and hold significance enough to imprint meaning upon a symbol. Good or bad, significant events make us who we are. We must simultaneously hold to them, and let them go so that the present and future may shape themselves. Also, the erotic undertones inherent in these shapes in especially important for the month of February.

    4. What is the significance of the number 2? Numerology is not my specialty, by symbolism is strong in all forms of reading. It is important to remember that the number itself has no meaning beyond that which we give it. Findthe meaning at the heart it, and you will be closer to understanding the self. Without personal growth, we cannot live a meaningful life. This growth must come from within, but those we care about may be able to help us. Also, the number of lungs the person posses.

    5. Considers what animal significant? The human animal. Hence, the self. Remember, though, that all of us fall under that category. We are all ourselves. Do not attach too much significance to the self and the material world, for the spiritual world, where we are all one, is the true source of joy. Look within to see without. When you have acheived this, all will follow.

    6. Why is that animal significant? With no self, there is no existance. We are all significant to those who care about us. Remember your spiritual connections to others. This is what sets us apart, for alone among the animals, only humans have the great interconnectedness of soul which allows the spiritual connection of an entire species.

    7. Has how many living parents? Parents live on eternally in their children. Remeber this and know that your parents are always with you and within you. Remember also that even the childless live on as their souls rejoin the great web of spirit that connects us all.

    8. Traveled where on last vacation? The past is important, as it shaped us into who we are, but we must often let go and look to the future. It is pivotal to remember this in all things, vacations most of all.

    9. Has a recurring dream about what? The dream is the mind relaxing, the soul telling us what we need to know. There are often glimpses of the furute hidden in our dreams, and by unlocking them, we my better understand our world and our place in it. Pay close attention especially to recurring dreams, as these signify matters of great importance.

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate? We are all connected to one another, both through causality of our actions rippling through reality, and through the spirit, whih binds all minds and souls. Only by looking within, into the soul, and feeling this connection, can we advance as a species and make the world a better place.

    11. When did this person last go on a date? Every personal connection brings us closer spiritually, but these connections can be formed in many ways. The fixation on "dating" is unhealthy. Merely be you you are, and the rest will follow

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now? Time is an illusion. Worry not for the clock, it tells you nothing of who you are nor of who you should be.

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank? The last alcoholic beverage has not yet been drank. It will be a vodka tonic with cyanide. Avoid vodka tonic at all costs.

    14. Has a crush on what TV character? Fantasies are healthy, and it is right to indulge from time to time, but one must at last come to reality. Be who you are, and the rest will follow. The spirit knows and can make your fantasies become real if you let it, and allow the fantasy to evolve by the influence of the subconcious mind. You may be surprised by the morphing of the dream, but this is the way of the spirit, let it be as it will.

    Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February.

    This month will see love if you let it. Remember that we are all connected in the spirit, and that your soul knows what is best and right. Love is the strongest force in all the universe, and if you reach within, let it flow over and through you, you will know love. Feel it, be it, release it to the other souls and take in from them. You are loved.

  25. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? L.

    2. Where does this person live? Upstate NY.

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8? The birth months of the owner and the person who gave them the necklace.

    4. What is the significance of the number 2? The birth day of a the giver.

    5. Considers what animal significant? Puppy dog.

    6. Why is that animal significant? They always discussed what kind they would get as their first pet together.

    7. Has how many living parents? 1.

    8. Traveled where on last vacation? Boca.

    9. Has a recurring dream about what? Flying.

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate? Distant cousin of Ron Paul.

    11. When did this person last go on a date? 3 months ago.

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now? Bedroom.

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank? Gin & tonic.

    14. Has a crush on what TV character? Charles in Charge.

    The beginning of February will be a tumultuous time for this person. They will find themselves in an unfamiliar situation with a member of the opposite sex. Be wary of strangers. February being the month of love, they should expect a phone call with good news. Venus' presence is stronger towards the end of this month, so this person should be able to relax from the 19th on as it moves into Pisces. Love will be right under their nose.

  26. 1. E…or maybe it’s a B or a T…those sounds are so hard to distinguish.

    2. I’m getting a C or a K sound. Does that ring any bells for you?

    3. The significance of the one appears to be that the pendant has something to do with whom the pendant’s owner considers most important in their life. The eight is an unfortunate number. The pendant’s owner must unfortunately prepare for eight years of bad luck!

    4. The number two is significant in that there are ten red stones, and ten minus two is eight, which is significant in the above question.

    5. The eagle.

    6. They’re pretty.

    7. Two.

    8. Florida. Maybe Hawaii. I’m getting warm, tropical vibes.

    9. Going to the supermarket, only to discover they are naked and very embarrassed. Or pleased. I’m not sure.

    10. This person’s father is good friends with a presidential candidate.

    11. The third Monday in January.

    12. The living room.

    13. Whiskey.

    14. My spirit guide keeps telling me “Mick” or “Mc-Something”. Does that mean anything to you? I can’t think of anything.

    Bonus: Even though you’re getting ready for eight years of bad luck, the stars are aligned in such a way as to give you one last good month! Expect a gift mid-month, which is accompanied by the offer of a date. Success is ultimately up to you, but the position of Venus tells me it’s looking good!

  27. 1. K

    2. Germany – in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

    3. They are the first two cubes.

    4. 2nd anniversary present

    5. A duck

    6. Fan of the witch sketch in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    7. 1

    8. Japan

    9. Remote controlled cars

    10. Same name (first and last)

    11. This person was just in a long term relationship, so I don't know what you mean by date. Ages ago.

    12. On their wrist

    13. Slippery Nipple

    14. Some news announcer type person.

    Bonus Reading: Seeing as your partner recently died, you are understandably a little down. Nothing much is going to happen, but hey, you don't want to rush things anyway. You'll probably be more ready to face the dating scene in March.

  28. <!–[if !supportLists]–>2. <!–[endif]–>Where does this person live?

    Now, I realise I use Firefox at home. But is that list really supposed to look like this in my Internet Explorer at work? I guess not …

  29. 1. J (has to be as this is a very common letter for people who wear hearts; my sister wears one and her name is JoAnne so it must be so)

    2. Earth (but occasionally ventures inter-galactically by teleportation)

    3. 1 and 8 add to 9 which everyone knows is 3×3 , three being the most resonant number when it comes to psychic vibrations.

    4. 2 is the number of times the wearer of this necklace had had full blown encounters with aliens. Both times they left early as she wouldn't give them what they wanted (her Trix of course, silly ET Trix are for kids)

    5. Considers all animals significant as they help the wearer to listen to psychic vibrations that are not available to the human head

    6. See number 5

    7. 3; mother, father and Xenu

    8.Physically went to Jamaica, but psychically went to Venus as heard there was a swinging party atmosphere!

    9.Dreams always involve a gravelly voiced, long finger-nailed blonde who often talks about things she knows nothing about

    10. This person is connected via "Miss Cleo's Psychics" Had a three hour talk about Giuliani and how he should have called before September, 2001

    11.Is the question in reference to a date here on earth or otherwise?

    12. The clock shifted to another astral plane using quantum mechanical theory

    13. Prawn cocktail – a martini with a shrimp in it.

    14. Chiachi

  30. exarch said,

    Now, I realise I use Firefox at home. But is that list really supposed to look like this in my Internet Explorer at work?

    Nope, not at all!

    It should be fixed now!

  31. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? K (could be C)

    2. Where does this person live? (Canada)

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8? (Mother and Father's birth month)

    4. What is the significance of the number 2? Her birth month

    5. Considers what animal significant? Fish

    6. Why is that animal significant? She's a Pisces

    7. Has how many living parents? 2

    8. Traveled where on last vacation? Vegas

    9. Has a recurring dream about what? High School

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate? Has the same alma mater as a presidential candidate

    11. When did this person last go on a date? 6 months ago

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now? Bedroom

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank? Wine

    14. Has a crush on what TV character? Someone who plays a police officer or lawyer

    You will meet someone who is your complete opposite in the next month. The person may initially disgust you, but eventually you will fall and fall hard.

  32. 1. J

    2. USA

    3. 1 and 8… 18 the number of letters in the person's name

    4. 2 – the number of legs this person has

    5. Cat.

    6. Hates dogs

    7. Living parents? 1 or maybe 1.5… at least one.

    8. Traveled nowhere on the last vacation

    9. Doesn't have recurring dreams

    10. It is not connected to a presidential candidate.

    11. This person last went on a date years ago.

    12. The clock is in the kitchen.

    13. Something not very strong. Person doesn't like alchohol.

    14. A character from the person't chilhood or teenage years. 50% chance it's a cartoon character.

    250 words or less prediction? This person will continue to be emotionally involved with the person he/she is involved right now.

  33. I, JennYmeenia, Psychic to Anonymous People With Random Stuff, do now summond the spirit world in attempts to connect with this Romantic Soul!

    (Waving hands maniacally)

    Yamma yamma yammayamma

    Yamma yamma yammayamma

    Yamm- Okay, we got contact. The vibrations are so vibrant!

    And now, ze questions!

    1) I see a man in a beret. He speaks French. Luckly, so does JennYmeenia. He tells me this person's middle name begins with the letter F!

    2) This person lives in the land of plaid shirts, coffee and lots of rain- Seattle Washington!!!

    3) The spirits tell me that 1 is the number of books that this person has read from the magnificent works of Pullman. So far this person has only read The Golden Compass. 8 refers to how many dreams this person has had in which said person was being chased by the Oompa Loompas from 1968's Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. The spirits were very specific on this one.

    4) Number 2. This person ate bad Mexican food last night. One of the spirits, an elderly grandmother, holds her nose and gags violently. Pee yoo.

    5) The animal I see that is most significant is…the blue pygmy horsey lioness.

    6) A spirit named Guido tells me this animal is significant to this person because this person once had a blue pygmy horsey lioness. Does the name Mrs. Puss Puss mean anything???

    7) This person has 2 living parents. Psychic JennYmeena isn't touching this one with a ten foot pole. However, I am being visited by a man who claims to be Uncle Zemus??

    8) This person last traveled to South of The Border, which lies on the border between North and South Carolina. The reason I know this is because I see an armpit.

    9) Recurring dream- the vibrations regarding these Oompa Loompas are about ready to knock me out of my seat!!!

    10) The spirits tell me that this person once got very bored at work and daydreamed about slapping the crud out of Mitt Romney.

    11) The spirits, when asked about when the last time this person went out on a date, showed me images of the film Cabin Boy.

    12) The clock is on the wall, next to the autographed picture of professional wrestling hall of famer Brutus The Barber Beefcake.

    13) The spirits are bellying up to a bar right now drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon out of cans.

    14) I see a man married with children who sells shoes and has horrible body odor. His last name is Bundy.

    Finally, the spirits tell me this person's dream lover and romantic equal will reveal themselves when the time is right. Now, that will be $200. The spirits expect a 10 percent cut.

  34. 1. It's a trick question, this person has no middle name.

    2. At a point X which has yet to be defined

    3. This person is related to Eddie Gaedel (the shortest MLB player ever and wore 1/8)

    4. It can be spelled three different ways

    5. Dolphins

    6. These Castro-hating mammals kept Elian Gonzalez alive while he was stuck at sea

    7. One

    8. Disneyland

    9. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

    10. Once saw I Heart Huckabee

    11. September 9, 1999

    12. On a bedstand

    13. A martini

    14. Guy Smiley

  35. 1. M

    2. In a building, near water.

    3. They are both cubes.

    4. The person’s sibling birth order.

    5. Gene knockout mice.

    6. Because they increase our understanding of how genes function.

    7. 2

    8. South America

    9. Flying

    10. They have a friend who volunteers for a campaign.

    11. Not since before their marriage.

    12. It was given as a gift.

    13. Red wine

    14. The good looking doctor from Grey’s Anatomy.

    Their love life during February will see some not unexpected ups and downs, and will end somewhat unceremoniously with a mild epiphany in the last few days of the month. Goings on around the 14th will turn out not to be a total waste of time, but a drain on everything but the US economy. They should be mindful of their whims, because poor decision making on the 21st might cause them to miss out on what surprise fate has in store for them on the 23rd. This person should be especially wary of any potential partners who were born in a state whose name begins with a vowel.

  36. 1. Z

    2. Earth (I can't really lose on this one) but to be more specific I'm going to say Cornwall.

    3. 8 is considered lucky and didn't Pythagoras have a thing about the number 1. However the pendant owner lost her virginity on January 8th. I'm going for shock value here.

    4. The above mentioned event involved 2 other people.

    5. Pandas

    6. They are the living embodiment of natural selection's great rejects.

    7. None

    8. China to witness firsthand the demise of the hated panda.

    9. Dinosaurs attacking Noah's ark and destroying it in a frenzy of primeval horror.

    10. The candidate was one of the above mentioned participant.

    11. January 8th

    12. Who knows. Clocks have several unusual properties not least of which is the ability to disappear shortly after purchase.

    13. Irish coffee

    14. Dougie Howser MD

    Bonus: There will be no new love interests in February. Everyone is short of cash at this time of the year and so spends time at home on t'Internet or watching TV. However on the 29th this person will receive an unusual emailIMlog comment from a potential future lover. This should be ignored.

    I'm guessing that I'll get the lowest score.

  37. Since my wife would probably not be terribly pleased if I announced I had won a date with a Skepchick, I guess I can't enter the contest. But I am curious about two things:

    1) What if someone wants a date with one of the married Skepchicks?

    2) What if someone wants to date a Skepchick (or SkepSam) of the same gender?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  38. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner? D
    2. Where does this person live? I’m seeing desert, maybe Arizona, Nevada? No, I think it’s Australia
    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8? Person’s birthday is August 1
    4. What is the significance of the number 2? Person has 2 siblings – I see 2 sisters
    5. Considers what animal significant? Something small, cute and furry – Koala?
    6. Why is that animal significant? Person used to work for Qantas
    7. Has how many living parents? 1
    8. Traveled where on last vacation? Alaska
    9. Has a recurring dream about what? Dancing on the edge of a volcano
    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate? Once shook Al Gore’s hand
    11. When did this person last go on a date? Several years ago – when the pendant was bought
    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now? In the trunk of their car
    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank? Sake
    14. Has a crush on what TV character? Meredith Grey

    Bonus: This person (strong impression that the owner of this is a male) will meet an intelligent, attractive skeptic. He will be attracted at first, then learn the person has arranged their house to Feng Shui principles. He will drop them like a hot rock.

    My final prediction is that none of predictions are correct.

  39. 1. H

    2. Surface of the Earth, on a land mass

    3. She was 18 when she got the pendant

    4. She has two biological parents

    5. Chicken

    6. It's tasty

    7. 1

    8. California

    9. Large quantity of water

    10. Second cousin

    11. Within a week of December 15

    12. Still in the box on a closet shelf

    13. White wine from a box

    14. House

    Bonus: She will want her love life to improve this month.

  40. Hey Rav, am I correct in assuming your comment was in response to my question? (#40)

    Let me assure you that I was not implying any moral judgments in my question! Doesn't concern me in the slightest what someone's orientation is. I was simply expressing honest curiosity about how the various Skepchicks (and SkepSam) would react if such a situation were to occur.

  41. 1. M
    2. an urban US city south of the Mason Dixon line
    3. birth date August 1
    4. owner is the second child
    5. dog
    6. owner was once alerted by a dog of an emergency that turned out to be significant
    7. one biological parent
    8. the Caribbean
    9. falling
    10. person campaigned for a candidate that has since dropped out
    11. person has been on a date this month, on a Friday
    12. living room
    13. beer, a pale ale
    14. actor plays a member of law enforcement

    The owner of this piece recently went on a date with a ‘friend of a friend’ that has the potential to be romantic, but both people have minimal free time for romance and are unsure weather or not they can make time to deepen the connection.

  42. 1. What is the middle initial of the pendant owner?

    I'm sensing a letter. Yes. It is definitely a letter. And it stands for a whole word. Definitely a word of some kind, probably… probably a name.

    2. Where does this person live?

    This person lives… in… a house… no. No, not a house. A re… ren… renaissance… ren… ren &… ren & stimpy's old house!… NO!… no… rental… rented apartment. Yes. It has a bathroom and… internet access! It is in… a… continent… on one… I mean on a continent and in a specific country of some kind… maybe a nation…

    3. What is the significance of the numbers 1 and 8?

    They signify that the wearer is… the loneliest girl around… and that she has enough or has had enough…

    4. What is the significance of the number 2?

    2 is the number of… mice… no… squirrels… baby elephants… no… roommates! This person has 2 roommates.

    5. Considers what animal significant?

    She considers the… amoeba… no… the llama… no… the hawk… no… the platypus! significant.

    6. Why is that animal significant?

    The platypus is significant because… 2 years ago… 1 of them… ate her hamburger she dropped… then guided her home… and she named it after her own middle name…

    7. Has how many living parents?

    I sense… six… two biological… three step-… one "parent figure"… no, no wait… oh, no… aww, geez, make that five… I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you…

    8. Traveled where on last vacation?

    I'm seeing a well groomed yard… lots of… grass and a building… the building is… wait… oh, no… she took a few days off and did yard work… she thinks that's a vacation… that's so sad…

    9. Has a recurring dream about what?

    She's running down an alley… there are 2 platypi, 1 travel agent and 8 lawnmowers behind her… they are trying to get her to sell her home… but she just wants to go on a vacation…

    10. How is this person connected a presidential candidate?

    Years ago this person's… mother… was walking down the street of a city… she saw a young boy trying to play the… the… guitar… she stopped to listen for a moment… he was awful… she said to him… it's ok, son, not everyone is meant to be a musician… he started to cry… but i try so hard, he said… i'm a failure, he said… she said, it's ok… you can find something you'll be good at… yes, you can, son… yes, you can…

    11. When did this person last go on a date?

    I'm seeing… last Tuesday… though he's not sure if she considers it a date… because she… she didn't ask him to come upstairs… oh, DUMP this guy, girlfriend

    12. Recently bought a clock, where is it now?

    I see a desk… not her desk… the clock was "borrowed" by a friend… and is above the desk of said friend…

    13. What was the last alcoholic beverage this person drank?

    I'm having trouble… oh… trick question… there is no such thing as the last one… there is always another… lush…

    14. Has a crush on what TV character?

    I see… that's not… it is… spongebob squarepants… that's a little weird…

    Bonus: This person would like to have each psychic do a love-life prediction in 250 words or less for the month of February.

    In Feb you will fall for your dream man: a platypus farmer. He will fall for you. Your relationship will last 18 days, after which you will break up for 2. He will take you on your first real vacation in years, buy you a drink and then convince you to vote for the green party candidate "since the democrat is going to win anyway." Your surviving parents will like him. Though you'll be glad you dated, you will eventually break up with him over a disagreement about a clock and his total dislike of Spongebob.

  43. Re: the question about married skepchicks. The answer is, your date doesn't end in anything remotely interesting! :D

    OK, I composed my answers to the challenge with the help of the Godsbot. These are his genuine responses, but I've had to either interpret them to get a concrete answer, or amend the question slightly.

    1: What is the middle initial of the pendant owner?

    godsbot: A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

    OK, this needs a bit of interpretation. I'm going to have to say 'S'.

    2: where does the owner of the pendant live?

    godsbot: Earth, Sol System, Milky Way.

    Hmm, not much to work with. I Google SOL and it gave me Better Online Solutions which is based in Phoenix, Arizona, so that's my answer.

    3a: what does 1 mean?

    godsbot: 1 Corresponds in Hebrew to the letter Aleph and the The Fool and means Ox plough , in English it translates to the letter – A.

    3b: what does 8 mean?

    godsbot: 8 Corresponds in Hebrew to the letter Cheth and the The Chariot and means Fence , in English it translates to the letter – Ch.

    OK, the significance of 18 is something to do with a fence, a fool, a plough and a chariot. I interpret that as 18 being the age she got her first car, and promptly drove it into the wall.

    4: what does 2 mean?

    godsbot: 2 Corresponds in Hebrew to the letter Beth and the The Magus and means House , in English it translates to the letter – B.

    That's easy enough. 2 is her house number.

    5: what is the best animal?

    godsbot: My favorite animal is a cat.

    6: why do you like cats?

    godsbot: Cats are very intelligent, independent and yet very loving and friendly.

    I guess this means she likes cats because she used to be one in a former life.

    7: how many living parents does she have?

    godsbot: Around 1000.

    8: where did she travel?

    godsbot: I think it was in America. Check back later and see if I discover the answer to that one.

    OK, that's too vague, try again

    8: where was her last vacation?

    godsbot: Where the heart is. I would look into the imaginal for that knowledge.

    That's easy enough then. Rebecca's location at JREF is 'the heart that you call home', therefore this person vacationed in Boston.

    9: what did you last dream about?

    godsbot: Nothing.

    This requires some interpretation. 'Nothing' means that she dreams about falling through nothingness.

    10: how is she connected to a presidential candidate?

    godsbot: Fine as far as I know.

    OK, this is a tricky one. I had to turn to Mystical Google for help. I typed 'presidential candidate fine as far as I know' and the first result was for campaign logos. Therefore the answer is, she designed a logo for (godsbot says a man will win)…Mike Gravel.

    11: when did you last go out?

    godsbot: It was at time index 357241.

    No idea what this means. I added the numbers and got 49, so my guess is 4th Sept. Or in USA format, that's 9th April.

    12: where did she put the clock?

    godsbot: I think it was in Europe.

    13: do you drink?

    godsbot: My favorite beverage is coffee.

    Hmm, I'm going to have to interpret that as a coffee liqueur.

    This last question was tricky. It wouldn't give me anything concrete til I typed:

    14: television

    godsbot: I like watching Star Trek.

    So, we're going to have to go with Picard. Which is a shame because I wanted Dr House.

  44. As a long time skeptic, first-time psychic, I don't know exactly how this is supposed to work. I do know that it's only really accurate if we both are serious about this. I am, are you? It's not about you asking questions and checking off how well I scored. I don't have answers. Instead, what I'm offering is a conversation. Together, I am helping you rediscover something you may have forgotten about yourself.

    Ready then, here goes….

    1. Middle initial? I'm sensing a person…who is Heather? …Although I'm not sure of the link. This name definitely has significance for you….I think personally, but it may be professionally…

    2. Lives where? I'm seeing Michigan…. but that is in the past… definitely the past. …I'm seeing you with longer hair….near a school… More recently, I'm seeing you with friends in the northeast. And I sense a pet.

    3. 1 & 8? These are associated with the place that you consider to be your real home, if you know what i mean.

    4. 2? I can see that this number makes you smile. I like it when you smile.. this number represents something special and dear to you. It's something that would even surprise some of your friends.

    5. Animal? I sense that you are a collector….I'm seeing this animal in a collection. a collection that you cherish. a collection that you started as a child but still continue to this day.

    6. Why that animal? It was a character in a book. A memento from childhood. Also, on a darker note, in a time of tragedy it provided you solace and comfort…. and if I'm not being too bold, may i say of that the tragic day… it was NOT your fault. …don't blame yourself….

    7. Living parents? I wanted to stay away from this…. but when you asked about your parents I felt that you have health care worries. Including a minor injury or illness you suffered. I'm sensing you want to talk about it.

    8. Vacation? I'm seeing an incident. Something happened with your shoe… something like a broken heel or a strap, but more unusual. You can laugh about it now, but I sense it really upset you …isn't that right?

    9. Dream? Water… Why am I seeing water? But I also see that water has another meaning for you. Somehow water kept you out of school for an extended time. Can you tell me about this?

    10. Candidate? I sense…that is I can tell that you are a smart, capable, progressive young women. You sincerely are interested in helping others, but I sense that in all honesty politics doesn't matter that much to you. Your passions lay elsewhere.

    11. Date? I'm sensing October was an important month for you. Also, I'm sensing a pivotal moment…. I sense a recent reaffirmation, and renewed interest in finding happiness and not just waiting for happiness to find you.

    12. Clock? Yes, I sense a clock. …. but what confuses me is I'm also seeing a blue car. I know that they are connected…. of that I'm certain. Further, I know you know. If you don't immediately remember, please don't give up. Keep trying. It will make sense.

    13. Alcohol? I seeing ….Great Britain. Does that make sense to you?.. If I had to guess, and this is a guess, not a psychic prediction…. i'd say a black & tan.

    14. Crush? Again, nothing psychic. I'm just going to say James Roday as Shawn Spencer. Whimsical and skeptical.

    Bonus: The truth is… if I could predict love, I'd be a happier psychic than I am. So, instead of reciting a few artful Barnum Statements… (which you are too smart to be persuaded by) … let me just say this: I hope you, the pendant owner, find someone who makes you happy.

  45. 1. I'm sensing it is a consonant, between c and w in the alphabet…

    2. Getting strong vibes teeling me somewhere on Earth, North hemisphere.

    3. This person has been both 1, 8 and 18 at some point in their life.

    4. Many of the dates during this person's life have had a 2 in, for example 2.2.92 and so on.

    5. A quadruped, of some kind.

    6. Maybe a family pet from their childhood., or a pet of someone they were close to, or an animal they happened to see once in a zoo.

    7. This is hazy, but my psychic intuition states that it was, at some point at least, 2.

    8. Abroad, with a friend/partner/relative/on their own.

    9. Going to work having forgotten their clothes.

    10. She saw one once, on the news.

    11. Fairly recently.

    12. Around her wrist, or in her house somewhere.

    13. Gin and tonic…not sure if that is my psychic powers or whether it is my mind telling me what i would like.

    14. My powers are definitely telling me that it might be a male who is tall, dark and handsome.

    Bonus: Is likely to feel sad and lonely around the middle of the month, probably the 14th. That special someone may like her back, but she is too shy to tell them.

  46. 1. M

    2. Texas

    3. The pendant owner has one child and has been married for 8 years.

    4. The pendant owner had two parents.

    5. Mongoose

    6. A mongoose ate the owner's pet snake.

    7. 2

    8. South Padre Island

    9. Mongooses

    10. Second cousins' college roommate

    11. 2007

    12. In the bedroom

    13. Gin and Tonic

    14. Barney Rubble

    Bonus: Your soulmate (whom you have never met) will be hit and killed by a bus in a distant country. Probably Algeria.

  47. 1. A

    2. On the water

    3. 1 & 8 are the high points of the day

    4. 2 visits to TAM

    5. sea anemone

    6. it just looks cool

    7. two

    8. Europe

    9. mango chutney

    10. form letters

    11. August

    12. under a bed

    13. cough syrup

    14. Malcolm Reynolds

    Prediction: Sometimes, silence and a sandwich are simply signs of a stable, satisfactory situation.

  48. 1. S

    2. NJ

    3> Age she received it

    4. 2 Hearts

    5,. Tiger

    6. Orange is her favorite color

    7. three

    8 Costa Rica

    9 chocolate

    10, Great Neice, twice removed

    11 Is on a date right now

    12 In her office

    13 Mojito

    14 Anderson Cooper

  49. 1. J.
    2. Near water
    3. I’m sensing the date of a special occasion, like a birthday or anniversary.
    4. The age of a child important in the owner’s life
    5. I’m sensing a cat
    6. It was a gift from a loved one
    7. I’m sensing less than 3. I’m going with 1.
    8. I’m sensing a visit to the south. Georgia
    9. Eww! That’s what you dream about! You’re sick! But the other reoccurring dream involves being late to their first day of class/work and being lost.
    10. The owner of this pendent was a 60’s radical who once palled around with Barack Obama.
    11. 3 days ago.
    12. Still in its original box unopened.
    13. A Sylvia Browne
    14. Gaius Baltar

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