Meta Stuff
Attention Upstate New Yorkers (and others)!
You can hear Curiosity, Aroused today at 7pm on WSKG!
Also, thanks to everyone in Seattle who wrote in to KUOW and KXOT to let them know you liked the show, you guys are awesome!
Also also, the show was just licensed for broadcast on KUT in Austin, Texas on January 6 at 11am and on KUT HD tomorrow (the 4th) at 6pm. Hello, Texas!
I’ll blog a bit more later, promise. Next time, with fewer exclamation points!! Because honestly I hate them.
Aw! C'mon, WHYY!
Rebecca, I sent a note in to my local NPR station KUAR here in Arkansas. So here's hoping :) I enjoyed the pilot of your show online.
As my local source of public radio is podcasting (Wait Wait, Radio Lab, In Our Time, Intelligence Squared) I hereby request that Curiosity, Aroused be featured in that medium. Please? As much as I like to sit in front of the computer and listen to the show, I would much rather listen to it on my handy dandy portable ipod (The Mighty Quinn) while strolling through a park. The view of artificially planned natural scenery is a much a better accompaniment for your dulcet tones than pixels are. I suppose I could just get myself a portable radio, write into a Vancouver radio station asking for your your show, wait several weeks and then time it right, but podcasting is more immediate, easy and personal. Okay, here's the deal. If you put it up as a podcast I promise to write into all my local radio stations asking that they pick you up. Pinky promise.
Request registered.
Texas!!! Now you are talking! Well talking to people that really really need to hear it.
Do you know what KUT means in Dutch? Teehee …
Just heard Curiosity, Aroused this afternoon on KUTand it aroused enough of my curiosity to seek out your site, which I've been reading and enjoying since. I 've requested the station to schedule your show. It was great fun, thanks!!!