
Upcoming Appearances!

1.) It’s about time I started advertising for:

The Amaz!ng Meeting 5.5

…happening January 25-27, 2008 in Fort Lauderdale, at the headquarters of the James Randi Educational Foundation!


James Randi
(of course!)

(Rebecca Watson, as if you didn’t know)

Michael Stackpole
(The Pulling Report)

Robert Lancaster

Mark Roberts
(9/11 conspiracy expert)

Kelly Jolkowski
(advocate for parents of missing children preyed upon by psychics)

If you’ve been following along with reports from previous TAMs and the recent Amaz!ng Cruise to Alaska, watching from the sidelines and full of jealous rage, now’s your chance to get in on the fun. Not only will there be plenty of info on how to get actively involved in the promotion of science and skepticism, but there will also be a ton of wonderful skeptics in one place to hang out with all weekend long. Plus, you get to meet James Randi! It’s going to be a blast, I promise.

Sign up here and tell them you’re coming because of me. For every registrant I get, host Hal Bidlack has to cut another pun out of his patter.*

2.) On Monday, I’ll need you all to head on over to the Public Radio Talent Quest and vote for me in the final round! I just thought you’d like some fair warning.

3.) Oh yeah! I’ll also be a bit visible this weekend in the following ways:

  • I should be on Weekend America tomorrow, as they’ll be promoting the Talent Quest. I recorded a 60-second clip, that I hope they’ll play in full for your enjoyment. If they put it online, I’ll post a link next week. Check your local NPR station for air times!
  • I should also be in the Boston Globe Magazine this Sunday, in an article about Humanism. This should be very interesting — I have no idea what made it in, but I get the feeling I may not be pleased. I’ll report back next week on that.

*If you don’t get the joke, that’s because you’ve yet to experience Hal’s awful, awful jokes at a TAM. Register for 5.5 today to get in on all the inside jokes!

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca is a writer, speaker, YouTube personality, and unrepentant science nerd. In addition to founding and continuing to run Skepchick, she hosts Quiz-o-Tron, a monthly science-themed quiz show and podcast that pits comedians against nerds. There is an asteroid named in her honor. Twitter @rebeccawatson Mastodon Instagram @actuallyrebeccawatson TikTok @actuallyrebeccawatson YouTube @rebeccawatson BlueSky

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  1. Inside jokes? I love inside jokes!

    And it's a weekend, so I only have to take one day off from work, max.

    What's the transportation situation like around JREF headquarters? (I have a friend down there who I hope will be interested in going as well, but I'm sure somebody else is going to ask anyway.)

  2. I'm not positive about transport around Ft. Lauderdale, but using knowledge gained from past TAMs, I'm 90% sure that someone will rent cars and/or vans for getting around if needed. I believe that all talks and seminars are happening at the listed hotel, which according to <a target="_blank" href=",+Fort+Lauderdale,+FL+33322&geocode=&dirflg=&daddr=+201+S.E.+12th+St.,+fort+lauderdale,+FL&f=d&hl=en&sll=26.148523,-80.26238&sspn=0.008205,0.018239&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1" rel="nofollow">Google Maps is about 12 miles from the JREF.

    Happily, it will be in January so the weather should be great.

  3. Michael Stackpole? Gosh, that takes me back. He was my very first exposure to skepticism (of a sort) way back at a tender age of 13 I think.

    Interestingly enough, we've just had what is termed a 'cult killing' here (Serbia) and all the channels are abuzz with various 'experts' (of Pulling's caliber no doubt) proclaiming the endless evil of alternative religions all with the enthusiastic support of our relentlessly medieval church. Joy. They haven't mentioned D&D yet but it's only a matter of time.

    I'd love to attend, of course, but I'm on the wrong side of an ocean and in the wrong country to do so. Hope you have a blast, though.

  4. Yep, no jealous rage for me this time. I'll be there and I'm staying at the sponsor hotel. Swimming pool and in-room massages … and of course the whole TAM thing. Meeting James Randi will be, well, amazing, but I am mostly looking forward to meeting Rebecca. It's just too bad Phil Plaitt won't be there (or will he?).

  5. Becca, I'm extremely poor these days, but I'll do my best to get to TAM 5.5. For me, seeing just one of you, Kelly, Gravy, or Lancaster take the main stage would be better than all the previous TAM guests COMBINED. That you'll be doing so together is almost too good to be true. Celebrities can be fun, but this is a list of people who have made a difference, changed the face of this movement, and made me proud to call myself a skeptic.

    Of course, I also want to collect on a drink you promised me… ;)

  6. Put me down for some jealous rage – I too am on the wrong side of an ocean like Veljko! Take photos and post all about it so I have something to focus my jealousy on.

  7. Yeah, Ii'm not commuting for just one weekend. I'll wait for TAM6.

    Is there a more definitive date on that yet BTW?

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