I am currently in the midst of studying for my upcoming differential equations test, but I had to take a break to tell you that REBECCA WON THE PUBLIC RADIO TALENT QUEST CONTEST! Rebecca just phoned me to tell inform me that she had won. She is away from her computer and asked me to post the exciting news here.
I am so proud of Rebecca. This is truly a good day for skepticism and for women in skepticism. Check out the official results here.
Okay, back to calculating the maximum amount of brine in tank #1…. sigh…
HOORAY! That made my whole week! Congratulations to Rebecca and a huge skeptical hi-five!
Though I never had a doubt, I can't help but feel like YELLING ABOUT IT!
CONGRATULATIONS!! That's fantastic!
Yaaay! Congrats Rebecca.
That's fantastic news! Both for her and, I'd assume, all of us who might be in for a very high quality new show.
Attention Skepchick readers: YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY FREAKING OUT.
Holy carp is that awesome.
Woohoo! Way to go Rebecca! I hope my votes helped.
It's like a TAM5 wish come true: "Skepticism and the Media"
Great work, Rebecca!
Well done rebecca.
Now moving up from C-list internet celebrity status to B-list radio-figure celebrity status.
I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! I told you so! …
(Okay. I won't spam your blog as much as I did the JREF forums…)
Congratulations, 'Becca!
That's great news, Rebecca, especially since the standards of the competition were high.
YEA!!!! I knew you'd win, Rebecca! Congrats! :D
My day just got so very much better; there's hope for us after all. Congrats, Rebecca!
Hooray Rebecca! If you ever need anyone to do some skeptical investigating in Kansas City (and trust me, there's a lot to be investigated around here), I'm your woman. (I actually do radio stuff! Really! Probably not the best idea to leave an offer like this in blog comments…ahem.)
Eehaw! Well done, Rebecca!
Ye! Hay! Congradulations to rebecca
Now back when I was at R.P.I. we called that class 'Difficult Equations', is it that way at M.I.T. today ?
That's fantastic! Congrats to Rebecca!
Wow! I'm so thrilled.
Congrats. She didn't "win" it. She earned that spot!
Rebecca is now officially ready for the big time. The question is, is the big time ready for Rebecca?
Rock on, Rebecca!
jsg, undergraduates at MIT call differential equations "18.03" ("eighteen-oh-three"). I doubt that's what Evelyn is taking right now; globe-trotting geologists have better ways to spend their time.
Congratulations!!! Awesome news. Rebecca certainly earned her spot and I hope her show can bring critical thinking to a whole new audience.
Yay! Congratulations Rebecca! Great work :)
Well done, I'm very happy about this and hope the CPB shows some sense and funds the development of the show.
I totally knew it. :-) Congratulations, Rebecca! I look forward to hearing the **fun** side of scientific skepticism coming from a mainstream media outlet.
Oh like there was a doubt!
Congratulations, Rebecca!
Good Gosh, Rebecca!!! You rock! Congratulations!
I can’t wait to hear the pilot!
That’s one heck of an early birthday present. Woohoo!
Congratiolations Rebecca, your show was enjoyable and a deserving winner. Show no mercy, but be gently.
Belated: woo!!!
Let me add my sincere congratulations. Your dedication to science, reason & critical thinking–not to mention your humor and talent–have earned you this spot, and I'm excited that you and your skeptical values are going to get into a far wider public forum than in the past. I'd guess the 10 grand ain't bad either ;-)
Enjoy your birthday party! I wish I could be there–especially now.
Congratulations. I can't wait to hear the new show.