Jesus ignores pleas of trapped miners, appears on fence.
She called her sister Ana over to ask what she saw. She too agreed, it was the Son of God.
Well, that’s all the proof I need! Job well done, Cornell Barnard, “reporter.” You can e-mail him at [email protected] and let him know what a great job he did reporting this very important story. link
I’m editing this to mention that the best Photoshopping of that photo will win a special award, consisting almost entirely of nothing.
That actually looks more like Shredder from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Nope… not even suggesting there's a face is making me see anything…
I titled my email to this guy as "woody jesus"
I crack myself up, honestly
I had to read the story to even see what they were talking about. Great imagination. This country is becoming more and more like Mexico every day:(
I *heart* this headline.
Think knot that I am come to send peace on earth: I came knot to send peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:34-ish
Oooh, I'll take the challenge. Here's my photoshop entry:….
The Phantom of the Opera is the son of God? :)
Ah ha ha, well done MissMarnie, and on your first comment!
Thanks, Rebecca, have been reading "The Gospel" and felt inspired
OK, here's my contribution:
"He's not the messiah! He's a very knotty boy!"[/Pythonvoice]
~David D.G.
Looks like R2D2 to me.
Here's my entry. It's not Jesus in the fence, it's Pac Man!…
Here's mine:
Why is jebus wearing a snorkel?
You know,
I hate to say it. But that doesn't really look a whole lot like Jeeezuss to me.
Or Jesus, who is my project Test Engineer…
Looks like Boba Fett to me.
I'll give shopping a go.…
It's not Jesus. I called my brother over to look and he agreed with me.…
This is a conversation I'd like to hear…
Cornell Barnard should get knotted.
Sorry, I'll get my coat.
I wish someone would invent a time machine so we could get a genuine photograph of the original Jesus.
As I recall, there were some bible verses which mentioned that Jesus was kind of homely-looking (read as, "butt ugly"). Living before modern dentistry, by the age of 30 he was probably missing some teeth. The long hair is an idiotic misunderstanding (nazarite vs. Nazarene), so instead of looking like a long-haired rock star he probably looked like every other dork in a beanie-cap.
I'd like to tack that photo to the door of every christian church.
I have painstakingly looked deep into the image, and ALL IS NOW REVEALED . . .
I was thinking it looked like a cyborg version of Jesus, or maybe Jesus with a unibrow. Or maybe Jesus as a cyclops.