
In Case You Missed It: February 12-February 18 on the Skepchick Network

Hello! It’s time for another edition of In Case You Missed It! Are you as excited as I am. Yeah, I know you are…

Teen Skepchick

ScienceSunday: Darwin Day!
Ali Marie celebrates Darwin Day by explaining natural selection.

Medical Madness: Blood Letting Edition
Beccy discusses medical cures of old. This week: blood letting.

Aphrodisiacs: Do They Work? Do We Want Them To?
For Valentine’s Day, Melanie debunks some common aphrodisiac myths.

Mad Art Lab

Tales from Pareidolia
A guest post from Stuart F. Taylor on his book of skeptical fairy tales.

The Drake Equation
Amy creates art based on the Drake Equation.

This is Why Art People Don’t Like Science
Smashley rips apart journalists who try explain why Adele’s “Someone Like You” is so magnificent.

Skepchick SE

Soul Chemistry (på svenska)
Is it brain chemistry, or do humans have a soul? Technicolor explains why it’s the former.

Valentine’s Day. Stop the Cupidity! (på svenska)
Amygdala encourages us to appreciate the people we love every day.

H13 Still Impresses (på svenska)
Felicia brings skepticism to a beekeeping conference.


Of Love and Other Hormones (en español)
The chemistry of falling and staying in love.

Doing Your Part (en español)
There are plenty of young skeptics doing great work. You should be doing something too.

Technicolor Poop (en español)
Introducing the Scatalog, a new colorful diagnostic tool.


Sunday School: On Pegging
Rachel answers a reader question about anal sex.

AI: Pride Events
Aretha wants your opinions on LGBTQ Pride events.

AI: Newbies
Will wonders what advice you would give people who want to become involved in online communities.

Featured image credit: stevendepolo


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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