
Come to Skepchicamp!

We’ve been planning for months. We’ve been raising money. We’ve been begging you to help. We’ve been booking venues… and rebooking venues. We’ve been sponsored by SurlyRamics and Skeptical Inquirer. And now, finally, Skepchicamp is here!

In less than 2 weeks, Skepchicks will invade Chicago for the first ever Skepchick-Skepticamp crossover event and the first ever Skepticamp in Chicago! You need to be there!

The catch is that you have to help out to attend. Pick from any or all of the jobs below:

  • Slave. Easiest job around! Just show up at noon and let us use you where we need you. You’ll help us set up the room and take care of any last minute errands or duties.
  • Media Mogul. You have access to and want to put us on MTV, CNN, MSNBC, CLTV or Cable 10 Aurora, Illlinois, Community Access Channel.
  • Profit-Free Non-Profitatrix. Also available as a job for men! We need a lawyer or a 501(c)(3) organization to help us obtain our own 501(c)(3) status.
  • Benefactor. Financial contributions are always appreciated. Donations can be made when you reserve your ticket or by donating through PayPal to funds[at]skephicamp[dot]com.

Once you’ve picked your job, go to Eventbrite to register!

For more information on the camp and our speakers, check out our site at! Any other questions? Email me at Elyse[at]Skepchicamp[dot]com.

See you March 6!


Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. I’d love to, but I can’t afford it time-wise or money-wise, and heck, my kid’s been invited to a birthday party that day anyway.

    But she’d actually probably rather go to Chicago. For some reason we have yet to figure out, she thinks she belongs to a “paleontology club” in Chicago and therefore believes that all cool things scientific happen there. She constantly asks to go there.

    She did tell me today that magic isn’t real, that it’s just fun to pretend that it is, and she’s only 4, so maybe I should just send her…you all up for some babysitting?

  2. Chicago has a lot of really great museums, if you want to make it a science weekend.

    I am hoping some of my buggy friends will be there. Doug, will you bring cheese???

  3. Won’t Brian get jealous if we have too many other slaves? I mean, he was the first. And Moose will have a hard time ordering all of them around.

  4. @Akusai:

    Brian is Slavemaster heir apparent. If Moose can’t fulfill his duties (on March 6th he cannot because his mom won’t let him) Brian becomes the acting Slavemaster.

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