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Skepchick Hearts Cat-Loving Engineer Boys

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca is a writer, speaker, YouTube personality, and unrepentant science nerd. In addition to founding and continuing to run Skepchick, she hosts Quiz-o-Tron, a monthly science-themed quiz show and podcast that pits comedians against nerds. There is an asteroid named in her honor. Twitter @rebeccawatson Mastodon mstdn.social/@rebeccawatson Instagram @actuallyrebeccawatson TikTok @actuallyrebeccawatson YouTube @rebeccawatson BlueSky @rebeccawatson.bsky.social

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  1. You totally scooped me on this video. :)

    The kitty yodeling made me lose it. No wonder cats always hurk up hairballs in the most inconvenient places- it’s revenge.

  2. Hee, I figured I wouldn’t be the first Skepchick to see and love this. And YES, yodeling is exactly the point I lost it, too. The balloons were hilarious, too.

  3. See, now you’ve got an engineer all I-want-a-new-cat’ing. I was not aware of the potential Skepchick attracting qualities. A huge plus.

    Last cat: http://flickr.com/photos/fracture/2329583107/

    This particular cat had a portrait aspect-ratio as well as the more familiar landscape mode. However, he also had (as you can see) a very high wind resistance.


    You owe me a new keyboard and a clean pair of pants!

    P.S. I have four cats.

  5. What a lovely way to start my Sunday! (Yes, at 11 a.m., shut up.) Anything involving kitty performance art, deadpan delivery by an engineer, and the Mozart Requiem Mass qualifies as weird enough to start the day out on the right note.

  6. !!

    When I met my fiancé, he had two cats (now we have four). I remember the first time he “played the kitty” for me. Cat yodeling is a time-honored musical sport.

    Also, we practice corporal cuddling with similar results. It’s best to trim claws, first.


  7. Peaches – In the immortal words of Mrs. Schrödinger, “Honey, what did you do to the cat? He looks half dead!”

  8. As a woman with three cats, I totally wish to marry this guy, or the other guy, or or whoever was most in charge of that terrific video.

    The cats (Penn, Teller and Sagan) would love him. We’ll have to start practicing our cat yodeling . . . .

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